Return/Refund Policy

We strive to ensure the highest quality of products and utmost customer satisfaction. In the event that the mangoes received in your order are found to be damaged due to factors such as stem rot, sponginess, or any other identifiable issues, we are committed to offering appropriate solutions.

Replacement and refund options will be provided as per the conditions encountered. Customers are kindly requested to notify us promptly upon discovering any concerns regarding the condition of the mangoes. Our customer service team will assess each case individually and guide you through the appropriate course of action. Please note that eligibility for replacements or refunds will be subject to verification of the reported issue. We may request additional information or visual evidence to facilitate the resolution process.

Our aim is to address your concerns efficiently and ensure that you are satisfied with the outcome. Your feedback and cooperation are valued as we continually strive to improve our services and product offerings. For further assistance or inquiries regarding returns and refunds, please contact our customer service team. We appreciate your patronage and look forward to serving you.

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